コリトレールグループ治療院 総院長で医学博士である劉 勇Dr.監修。
このビフィズス菌を医学博士劉 勇氏とDr.チームの監修のもと、乳酸菌とバランスよく配合しました。
The intestine is the key to all diseases.
Bifidobacterium is a treasure of the body and protects your health 24 hours a day.
Coritrail Group Treatment Center
Supervised by Dr. Liu Yong, Ph.D.
For decades, I had been suffering from diarrhea, abdominal pain, and stress-induced intestinal irritability.Meanwhile, when I continued to take bifidobacteria at the recommendation of a doctor, I felt a surprising change in my body and I continue to take it until today.
Provided by Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd., a pioneer in bifidobacteria research
The one and only bifidobacteria product supervised by the Dr. team.
Therefore, it can be taken only with Baby Flora, which is not included in other products.
Under the supervision of Dr. Liu Yong, a doctor of medicine, and the Dr. team, this bifidobacteria was mixed with lactic acid bacteria in a well-balanced manner.